Tic Tac Toe

📅 September, 2021
This is a game that two players can play against each other. This game was built with react, typescript and styled-components.

️️Built with Style-components,React Typescript, - Redux toolkit(slice)



📅 Sep, 2020
This is a landing page that I developed from scratch in order to practice using HTML, CSS and Sass.

️️Built with HTML,CSS,SCSS


Birthday app

📅 Oct, 2020
A CRUD app that lists people with their profile photos and birthdays. I built this app from scratch with HTML, CSS and Vanilla Js.

️️Built with HTML,CSS,Vanilla js


Country quiz

📅 Nov, 2020
A quiz app that allows the user to guess a country from a given capital. This app is built with React and Custom hooks as a state manager.

️️Built with React,Custom hooks


Chuck Norris Random Joke

📅 July, 2021
A web app that lets the user see and search a random joke from Chuck Norris. I developed this app from scratch and it was built to practice using Style-components, React typescript and Context API as a state manager.

️️Built with Style-components,React Typescript,Context API

© Created and Presented with 💙 by Fanilo